(English isn’t my first language, please excuse my grammar mistakes)

Two weeks ago I trained a new guy, at first I thought his way of typing/speaking is a bit too casual, later he told me he just graduated from college, I figured he’s new to the working environment.

Very soon, he told me he took this job because he can’t find anything else that fits his major. I get it, many new team members said the same thing to me.

This job isn’t bad, yes it’s a low pay contractor job, but the work is easy, once you are good at it, as long as you get your job done, you have a lot of free time to yourself, leadership is great

However, the new guy probably skips the “get the job done” part. He hasn’t asked any question, but makes a good amount of mistakes. He was late for two meetings, no apology nothing, I tried to get him more engaged in meeting, all I got was “yes” “right”. According to his mistakes, I can tell he didn’t read the documents I sent.

I’ve never had serious talk with team members, now I need to.

One workmate told me he once trained a girl that said “I took this job because it’s contractor to a big company, good for my resume, it’s stupid and low pay lol” “hey do you think I can work at night even though it says 9 to 5”, she left after training period.

submitted by /u/take7pieces
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