Hey all — London transplant here. Been here about a year and I’m already comfortable in my familiar areas. Took a walk around Hampstead and realized I had been missing out on SOOO many parts in London. When searching, it was option overload.

So I made a solution! https://london-day-planner-flareondon.replit.app/

This tool allows you to give a few details about your day — then gives you an itinerary of perfect places to go around London — you can then download it with adresses and times straight to your phone or laptop.

Speak to it in natural language! AND PLEASE DONT ABUSE IT — this is a dev account and I’m testing it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Happy Londoning!! (Please leave feedback here btw)

** I’m not shilling anything — I PAY FOR THIS. Just wondering if other people will find this as useful as me **

submitted by /u/Major-Algae-8038
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