It is projected that many jobs will disappear over the next several years due to AI. Said another way, AI is going replace the work people do to make a living. It’s a sad reality, but nonetheless, it is a reality. We are just at the beginning of this revolution. Just like the Industrial Revolution changed how jobs were performed, the AI Revolution will do the same. And this is WAY different than when the personal computer was introduced and computing was supposed to take jobs. AI actually will. Many data, marketing, financial, writing, analytical, programming, and other desk jockey jobs are sadly going to be impacted.
The ability to WFH may be the least of your worries. Worry less about where you do your job, and more about what your “job” really is. The same management that wants to see your butt back in the office, will outsource your job to AI in a heartbeat.
submitted by /u/No_Rhubarb5155
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