This holiday season, it’s good to look back on the past year and give thanks for the positive things around us. For Work From Home employees, many of us are thankful for these seven things as we reflect during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.

Our team is taking the holiday week off recharging and spending time with our friends and family. We’ve put together the following infographic to highlight seven things we are thankful for this Thanksgiving. We’ve also linked some of our favorite articles for further reading on each of these topics before you settle down for the big meal.

Infographic highlighting seven things work from home employees are thankful for this Thanksgiving

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Working from home can save energy and reduce emissions. But how much?

Work From Anywhere

Our Work-from-Anywhere Future

Fair Compensation and Benefits

4 Ways to Take Advantage of Job Benefits While Working From Home


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Save Commuting Time

The Problem Isn’t The Office – It’s The Commute

Increased Productivity


Work Anytime

Beyond the 9 to 5: How remote work and flexible hours are changing the game

Customized Workspace

Establishing Your Home Workspace

In Conclusion

There are many things to be thankful for this holiday season. As work from home employees, we have the flexibility to do our jobs anywhere, anytime and still drive significant value for ourselves and our organizations. We wish you all the best this holiday season!

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